Thursday, November 3, 2022



Miskin k,

Passionate friend Miskin. One day he came home looking for me and knocked on the door, father opened the door. Dad said what do you want?

Miskin said I want a dollar, he is my friend.

Father came to me. He thought at the speed of the supercomputer, the boy's friend is Miskin!

He knew that Miskin come to take money. But this Miskin came to take my son!

So the father came in front of me and said, look who has come to the door. Leave him and come to me.

Go to the door and see, Miskin  is my friend .

I asked him to sit down and came back to dad.

 I told my father that he is my friend.

Dad said what kind of words, I can't accept, this boy can't be your friend. You ask him to leave the house now.

I said why father, I know this boy; he is a very good boy.

Dad said, I said take him out of the house. This boy cannot be your friend, get him out of the house.

Father became very emotional. Seeing the bad situation, I said, well, you talk to him for a while, then tell him this boy is bad.

I will never associate with him again.

Dad said why I should talk to him. I said, you do so.

I said, I won't listen unless you talk to him. This is the first time I disobeyed my father.

Dad said if you disobey now, are you not my son.

Seeing the bad situation, I moved away from my father.

I was very upset. I left the house holding my friend's hand in a sad mood.

From that day on, father did not call me to him. Thus 5 years passed, life became like cutting the root of a tree, watering the trunk.

When I realized this, I was looking for ways to apologize to my father.

There was a day when I said to my mother, tell my father that I have some money and buy me a computer and a printer with some money.

Dad's eyes were getting wet hearing my words. Dad said ok, but he has to be good.

I said ok, I'll take care of myself.

A few days later my father bought me a computer and a printer. Dead trees grow roots.

After three or four days, I suddenly came home and saw that there was no one at home. After searching, I found out that my father is sick, in the hospital. He had to be admitted to ICU and died on 28/12/2000.

My lesson: Don't judge anyone by looks. I was steadfast in this principle.

The real lesson: This is the Miskin. He, for the first time in my life, plunged me into t
he ocean of intoxication through trickery !

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